

Feeling sorry for yourself doesn't get you anywhere. Realize everything happens for a reason. A year from now you'll realize why.

I didn't want to go to the high school I went to. I applied to a different school and got wait listed. I went to my second choice and if I had went with my first, I'm sure I never would have picked up a microphone. The paths you take are meant to open your eyes, not to shut them. Re-Evaluate what's upsetting you right now. It's not that bad.

I heard a quote. Basically what it said was, yeah, there are starving children in India, but that doesn't change the fact that you're not okay. People may have it worse then you, but who is anyone to say that you don't have it bad. Good things will happen to good people.

I know you don't read this, but this is for you. I want everything to be okay. I want you to know even though I'm not there, and I pretend I'm gone, I'm still a breath away. I hit ignore when you call because I'm scared. It's easier that you stopped calling. Just remember even though you have it bad right now, and our paths split, doesn't mean I don't think about you. I don't want to compare you to the starving children in India because I know you have it worse.