annddd sleep.


I used to go see this hypnotist show in Providence every now and then. Homeboy would hypnotize me and make me sing in front of the audience. It was really funny, because the hypnotist knew I could sing, but every show, he would pretend he didn't know who I was. One time he told me I was Kelly Clarkson. I sang better then she does though...

I've been dreaming a lot lately, and I don't know why. My dreams have been crazy, almost real. That's what made me think of the hypnotist. I started writing down a dream log, but then I found an article online saying that was bad news. It can confuse the brain if you write down a dream after it happens. You won't remember if it was real or not in the future. Pretty intense, huh? Maybe I should throw away the paper I wrote last night's dream on. I don't want to think I was held at gun point when I'm 30.

(that last sentence had a misplaced modifier. it's not class though, so i can write how i want)


Melanie said...

I used to keep a dream log! I never got confused and thought they actually happened though after writing them down. Where did you read that?