

Oh Man.

So, aside from being an up and coming Pop Star, I DJ with Gabriel. Well, we were asked to kick off an A-List night celebrating a fundraiser for St. Jude's. Love the kids. So we pull up to the fundraiser and of course are extremely prepared. We had our remixes all set on CD and we are ready to play the jams. Well first off, our staff DID NOT prepare us with a microphone. This was upsetting for us and the other performers of the evening. We then were cut short due to a lack of microphonage which made us sad..

However, I am not one to let anything ruin my night and I had an AMAZING time. There was an indoor ice skating rink, a "Build-A-Bear" set up, so much good stuff. The event was awesome and my good friend running it did an amazing job. I'm so proud!

In other news, The J Boyshappen to be at the event. They had customized T-Shirts made. SO freaking fly.